BREAKING NEWS: Board votes to fire Diaz

Members of the Las Cruces Public Schools Board of Education have voted unanimously to fire Superintendent Sonia Diaz.

Diaz has 20 days to appeal once the board serves her with notice, which it has five days to do.

Board members emerged from closed session at 7:30 p.m. with solemn faces before voting to fire Diaz after four months on the job.

The reasons for the termination weren’t disclosed because personnel law prevents it.

The news was met by cheers from many of the approximately 50 people in attendance. Some employees of the district wept, and were comforted by others.

“What I heard in closed session was grave enough for me to support a discharge,” said board Member Leonel Briseño.

Perhaps alluding to allegations that Diaz treated employees poorly and without respect, Briseño then urged all in the community to allow the district to heal by treating each other “with respect and dignity.”

“We must learn, as a district, to discuss our differences” while upholding a commitment to treating each other with respect, Briseño said.

Board Member Gene Gant said the decision was painful.

“This has been a very painful four months,” Gant said.

Board Members Chuck Davis and John Schwebke thanked district staff for continuing to work professionally through what Schwebke called “these trying times.”

Board Member Sharon Wooden said she agreed with the comments of other board members.

Elizabeth Marrufo remains the administrator in charge of the district for now.

I’m hoping to have comment from Diaz later tonight.

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