While Richardson hides, Clinton debates

Score one for Hillary Clinton.

While N.M. Gov. Bill Richardson was who-knows-where (cutting a ribbon? speaking in New Hampshire?) on Friday, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., was debating the opponent in her Senate race.

Republican John Spencer is way behind Clinton in the polls. His campaign has been abandoned by his party. Clinton could have written him off as irrelevant. She could have made some lame excuse about how a debate would hurt the state and refused to do it.

But she didn’t.

Contrast that to Richardson’s refusal to debate his opponent, Republican John Dendahl. While Richardson is making excuses, Clinton, a probable 2008 presidential contender, is taking part in Democracy.

She’s honing her debating skills while Richardson hones his ability to grip and grin.

You can read about Clinton’s debate from the Associated Press by clicking here.

While we’re on the subject of Richardson, I wrote last week that the Republican Governors’ Association was running a funny television ad in the Albuquerque market attacking his jaunts around the nation. You can watch it by clicking here.

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