The international scene: Support peace in Uganda

If I may discuss international politics for a moment…

Today there are hundreds of activists in Washington, D.C. learning about the tentative peace talks now taking place in Uganda. Rebels with the Lord’s Resistance Army, who have fought and oppressive, brutal, 20-year war in the northern part of that country, have agreed to talks with the Ugandan government that might end the war.

Tens of thousands of civilians have been maimed or killed by the rebels, and more than 25,000 children have been abducted from towns and camps and forced to be soldiers or sex slaves. The government has massed people into what it calls “protected villages” that has almost 2 million people displaced and an estimated 1,000 dying each week.

I wrote in April about an event in Las Cruces that was part of a larger effort to bring attention to the situation. You can read about it by clicking here. You can learn more about the conflict by clicking here.

The activists are asking people to contact their Congressional representatives and urge the United States to support to peace efforts, which are in danger of falling apart without outside pressure.

The easiest way to reach your representative or senator is by calling the capital switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and asking for his or her office. You can also call the Las Cruces office of Rep. Steve Pearce at 522-2219 or e-mail him by clicking here. You can call the Las Cruces office of Sen. Pete Domenici at 526-5475 or e-mail him by clicking here. You can call the Las Cruces office of Sen. Jeff Bingaman at 523-6561 or e-mail him by clicking here.


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