Polls confirm Madrid’s lead over Wilson

U.S. Rep. Heather Wilson, R-N.M., is now trailing Democratic challenger Patricia Madrid in three recent polls.

Earlier this month, a Reuters/Zogby poll had Madrid up 50-40 percent. Now a poll done by SurveyUSA and KOB-TV has Madrid up 53-45 percent, with two percent undecided. The poll, conducted Oct. 13-15, surveyed 800 people. The poll has a margin of error of 4.6 percentage points.

Three weeks ago, a similar poll done by the same group had Wilson leading 51-46 percent.

The latest poll by RT Strategies/Cook Political Report has Madrid ahead 52-44 percent. It surveyed 986 respondents Oct. 8-10, and has a margin of error of 3.09 percent.

Brian Sanderoff, who does polls for the Albuquerque Journal, is out this week doing the next survey in this race, Joe Monahan reports. His last poll had the candidates tied at 44 percent, just before the Foley scandal rocked Congress.

As Monahan reports: Most pundits agree, the race is Madrid’s to lose.

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