Pearce has lots of money; Kissling in the red

The campaign of Al Kissling, the Democrat trying to unseat U.S. Rep. Steve Pearce, R-N.M., is in the red.

The Pearce campaign reported a cash balance of $119,283 at the end of September, while Kissling had a deficit of $2,006, according to the Associated Press.

Pearce raised $344,000 from July to September, and has raised $1.3 million overall. He has spent $955,000 overall.

Kissling raised $52,330 from July to September and has raised a total of $99,600, but he has spent $136,000 overall.

Pearce’s top donors, according to the Associated Press, included political action committees affiliated with the dairy, horseracing, oil and beer industries. He also received $6,900 from Indian tribes and $4,200 from people associated with Ruidoso Downs.

Kissling’s top contributors included Jerry Oldenettel of Socorro, who gave $2,100; Mary Raje of San Fidel, who gave $2,000; and Blanco Development of Fairacres, which gave $2,000.

Click here to read more about the reports and about fundraising in the other congressional races in New Mexico.

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