Lewis: ‘I have restored trust in the treasurer’s office before, and I pledge to do it again’

A guest column was solicited from both candidates for state treasurer. Republican Demesia Padilla’s column will run Friday.

By James B. Lewis
Democratic candidate for state treasurer


It is my pleasure to introduce myself to the readers of this column and respectfully ask for your vote on Nov. 7.

I am a native New Mexican (born in Roswell) and attended public schools in Roswell, Albuquerque and Gallup. I am a veteran of the United States Army (military policeman), former criminal investigator in the district attorney’s office, former state treasurer (appointed and elected), former county treasurer (elected), former assistant secretary of the U.S. Department of Energy, former chief of staff to Gov. Bruce King, former city manager for the City of Rio Rancho, and retired chief administrative officer with the City of Albuquerque. I have a proven record of public service and have consistently demonstrated integrity, ethics and experience.

Why I am running for state treasurer

As a professionally trained public administrator and former state treasurer, I am driven by a sense of responsibility and obligation to seek election to this office. Once elected, I will develop and implement solutions to restore public trust to the state treasurer’s office.

Main Issues

The critical issues in the state treasurer’s office revolve around enhancing proficiency, efficiency, effectiveness and productivity while restoring trust and confidence in the office, maintaining the state’s bond rating, and preserving capital in the state’s portfolio using safe, liquid asset allocations that yield reasonable returns on investments.

Recent scandal

In the state treasurer’s office, public trust has been compromised and eroded by misconduct and scandals. Recent unscrupulous activities spanned two consecutive terms before corrective actions were taken. During this period, pervasive criminality was flaunted at all levels, resulting in rogue spying schemes, an unbalanced state checkbook, unqualified staff, and compromised security systems.

I was previously appointed to ‘clean up’ the state treasurer’s office after a scandal in 1985. Post appointment, I was elected to a full term (1985-1990). During this period, I led the state treasurer’s office back to ethical practices, while performing statutory duties on multiple boards chartered with investing public funds for retirement, education, and mortgages.

I am the right choice because experience, ethics, and integrity matter.

I am the only candidate running for state treasurer who has previously served as your state banker. As a constitutional office holder, I have served on multiple financial boards, including the State Investment Council, Educational Retirement Board, Public Employees Retirement Association, New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority Board, and others. I was previously elected president of The Western State Treasurers Association and vice president of The National Association of State Treasurers.

I am the only state treasurer candidate with law enforcement experience that includes working as a military policeman in the U.S. Army and investigating white collar crime as a criminal investigator in the district attorney’s office. On the strength of my track record, I have been appointed by a president, governors, mayors and other officials to consult with, re-engineer, and clean up several troubled public agencies.


MPA, Public Administration, University of New Mexico, 1977; B.S., Education (Teaching Certificate), Bishop College,1970; B.A., Business Administration, National Business College, 1981, with Distinction; ABA, Business Administration, National Business College, 1980, with Distinction; Certificate, Minority Leadership, University of Virginia, 1992; Certificate, Chief of Staff, Duke University, 1991; Norris School of Realty–Broker’s License, 1984.

My pledge to you: Do what is legal, do what is ethical, and do what is good for this state! I have restored public trust in the treasurer’s office before, and I pledge to do it again!

In closing, I would ask that you consider each candidate’s qualifications, including education, experience and ethical conduct, before making your decision. All things considered, I would ask that you vote for me, James B. Lewis, on Nov. 7. For more information, please visit my Web site at www.jamesblewis.net.

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