King responds to negative Bibb ad

Republican attorney general candidate Jim Bibb, facing huge deficits in the polls, has unleashed the first negative ad of the campaign.

The television spot criticizes Democratic candidate Gary King’s voting record, saying he missed important votes on child pornography and child sex predators. The ad accuses King of missing almost 1,300 votes as a legislator.

Bibb’s campaign claims the tally doesn’t include votes from the 1990 and 1994 legislative sessions. In all, King spent 12 years in the legislature.

King missed most of the 1994 session because he broke both legs in a car accident.

King’s campaign responded today by saying Bibb’s tally is inaccurate, stating that, even if it included votes missed in 1994 during King’s hospitalization, “the number cited still don’t add up.” The campaign, in its news release, did not provide its own specific numbers.

“My opponent is clearly feeling the effects of being 31 points down in the polls and has resorted to desperation negative campaigning,” King said in the release. “I am disappointed Jim Bibb has chosen the low road and chooses to mislead the public for his own personal benefit.”

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