Here is video of entire Pearce/Kissling debate

Update, 9:30 p.m.

For some reason, having the actual video of the forum on this site was conflicting with other elements on this page for Internet Explorer users, so I had to remove it. You can still view the debate video by clicking here.


After much delay, here is the entire 56-minute video of the Aug. 22, 2006 candidate forum between U.S. Rep. Steve Pearce, R-N.M., and his challenger, Democrat Al Kissling.

The video was produced by KRWG-TV in Las Cruces. It was never broadcast because Pearce, a debate ducker, wouldn’t allow it, and FCC rules require the approval of both candidates, according to the station.

But the station offers the video to both candidates, without copyrighting it, for them to use as they please. Thanks to Kissling’s campaign for giving me a copy, so all who want can watch him and Pearce square off.

While we’re on the subject of debate ducking, here’s a little more about Pearce. He had time to hang out at the Wirefly X Prize Cup this weekend, but won’t attend the League of Women Voters candidate forum in Las Cruces on Wednesday. He has time to attend a meeting of border sheriffs to give a speech this week, but his campaign didn’t bother to fill out a questionnaire from the League of Women Voters, so he has no response in the group’s 2006 voter’s guide.

Pearce tried to prevent people from being able to watch this forum. He failed.

Tell your friends they can watch the debate by coming to this site. I’ll have a link to it in the “Election resources” section in the right column on this page, which will stay up through Nov. 7.

It’s a large file, and if you have a slow Internet connection, it may take some time to load. You’ll be able to pause it and watch it in pieces if you want, between other activities, or all at once. Enjoy!

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