Democratic group comes to aid of Foley opponent

The New Mexico Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee has jumped into a House race between two republicans in Roswell.

District 57 Rep. Dan Foley, R-Roswell, is challenged on Nov. 7 by Republican Steven Gavi, who is running as a write-in opponent. Gavi apparently has the support of the Democratic leadership.

Gavi collected signatures earlier this year to run against U.S. Sen. Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M., then changed his mind and filed a petition to run against Foley in the primary election. Foley challenged Gavi’s signatures in court. Gavi agreed that he had not collected the required number of signatures and dropped out of the race.

He later filed to run as a write-in candidate.

On Monday, radio advertisements started running in the Roswell area accusing Foley of missing House votes – allegations he has faced before, but that haven’t stuck. All legislators miss votes because of other committee meetings they have to attend or for other reasons.

Gary King, the Democrats’ candidate for attorney general, has faced similar allegations this year from his tenure as a legislator.

What’s interesting is that the DLCC is paying for the ads attacking Foley. Why would the Democratic leadership jump into this race? Gavi isn’t a serious threat to Foley. Few expect him to have a shot at victory.

All the ads will do is irk Foley unnecessarily.

The Democrats are fighting some close House races in Doña Ana County and other places. Why not spend the money there?

One Democrat told me this would force Foley to retaliate, lest he appear weak among members of his own party, so the move by the DLCC encourages more partisan politics.

An earlier version of this posting incorrectly stated that Gavi considered running against Sen. Pete Domenici.

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