Commission accuses Garza of illegal drug use

Suspended Doña Ana County Magistrate Judge Carlos Garza faces several judicial charges, including illegal possession and use of drugs.

The petition filed with the high court today charges that Garza:

• illegally used and possessed drugs.

• failed to comply with a Judicial Standards Commission order that he submit to testing for illegal drugs.

• evaded service of the commission’s order.

• inappropriately used his judicial position in February 2006. Garza was in a car with Lauren Spillsbury when she was pulled over for speeding, and allegedly asked the police officer if he knew who Garza was and told Spillsbury he would “take care” of the citation.

• inappropriately ordered Spillsbury’s license cleared of any suspensions in the middle of a pending case.

Garza says he plans to keep fighting, and accused the commission of ignoring evidence that would clear his name.

“If the Supreme Court determines what (the commission) did was right, then I’ll go find another job, no problem, but I think I was cheated,” Garza said.

I’ll have more later this afternoon, including an in-depth interview with Garza.

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