BREAKING NEWS: Zogby poll has Madrid in lead

A Reuters/Zogby poll released today has five-term Republican Rep. Heather Wilson trailing Democratic challenger Patricia Madrid 50-40 percent in the Central New Mexico district.

The poll was one of 15 released today that show Democrats leading Republicans in 11 of 15 races for seats that are currently Republican controlled, according to Zogby.

The polls, conducted between Sept. 25 and Oct. 2, each surveyed more than 500 people and have a margin of error of 4.5 percentage points.

The poll comes out days after an Albuquerque Journal poll showed Wilson and Madrid tied, each with 44 percent of the vote. That poll was conducted before the recent sex scandal involving former Rep. Mark Foley of Florida. The new polls were conducted both before and after that scandal broke, and indicate that there is a very good chance Democrats will take control of the House.

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