Still ducking debate, Richardson stops in Michigan

After hanging out with Democrats and the national press on the East Coast this week, Gov. Bill Richardson continued his ducking of a debate with John Dendahl while he spent today in Michigan.

Richardson was in Lansing to launch a “Latinos for Granholm” group to support Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm, a Democrat, according to the Associated Press.

While there, Richardson jumped into the discussion about why that state’s Republican gubernatorial candidate was happy to have a fundraiser with first lady Laura Bush but was nowhere to be found when the president and vice president came through Michigan.

“We’re seeing (Republican) governor candidates around the country staying away because the president’s not a help,” Richardson told the news service. “I’m seeing that everywhere.”

I don’t know about you, but I’m seeing a governor staying away from New Mexico because he doesn’t want to debate Dendahl.

He created the Jeff Armijo fiasco and then went to Africa and let his party settle it, making it appear as if he was above all the infighting. Now he’s gone again.

Come on, governor. Are you afraid? Do you really think Dendahl will give you a bruising? You can take on Saddam Hussein and Kim Jong II but not New Mexico’s Republican gubernatorial candidate?

That’s ridiculous.

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