Republicans demand explanation of why House candidate wasn’t placed on ballot

The Republican Party sent this letter to the secretary of state today:

Dear Secretary Vigil-Giron:

This constitutes an official request for an immediate explanation, in writing, from you regarding the website omission of Roger Gonzales as the Republican nominee for House District 68. Mr. Gonzales was selected by the State Central Committee of the Republican Party of New Mexico to fill a vacancy created by the withdrawal of Representative Hector Balderas as the Democratic nominee for House District 68. Upon confirmation from your office that Mr. Balderas had withdrawn as the Democratic nominee, a duly held meeting was called in accordance with Section 1-8-8.A(1) of the Election Handbook of the State of New Mexico and the Republican Party of New Mexico’s Uniform State Rules.

We are requesting an immediate response to explain the omission of Mr. Gonzales from your official General Election Ballot website ( by the close of business today, September 15, 2006. If we do not receive a response, we will assume that you are illegally preventing a duly nominated Republican candidate from appearing on the November 7, 2006 General Election Ballot and that you are in violation of various provisions of New Mexico Election Law.

Again, Mr. Roger Gonzales was named as the Republican nominee to be placed on the November 7, 2006 General Election Ballot under the vacancy provisions of New Mexico Election Law. Section 1-8-8.A(1) NMSA 1978.

A copy of the hand delivered, date and time stamped receipt from your office, is attached. As you can see, we are in full compliance with the law in submitting the name of Roger Gonzales in a timely manner.


Nina Martinez

Secretary, Republican Party of New Mexico

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