Wisconsin Republicans attack Richardson as he visits state to support Democratic governor

Gov. Bill Richardson is in Wisconsin today trying to help the re-election campaign of the state’s governor.

The administration of Democrat Jim Doyle has recently been plagued by scandal. According to the Washington Post, jurors convicted a member of Doyle’s administration of fraud on June 12 after an official was accused of “directing a contract to a company that donated money to Doyle’s campaign.”

“Doyle disavows any knowledge of the scandal and has attempted to distance himself from the corruption charges by firing the employee,” the Post article states. “However, in a state that prides itself on clean government, Doyle’s hopes for another four years as governor have been damaged. How seriously remains to be seen, but with approval ratings hovering around 40 percent, chances for recovery do not look promising.”

The Post says the governor’s race in the state is a statistical dead heat.

In steps the Democratic Governors Association and its leader, Richardson, to help.

Not so fast, says that state’s Republican Party.

In a flyer you can view by clicking here, the party compares Richardson with Doyle, calling them “The Scandal Twins” who are both “for sale.” It cites a few examples of Richardson scandals, including his acceptance of campaign contributions about the same time contributors got something from him or the state – examples with which we are all familiar.

“Jim Doyle has a record of ethical lapses that would make a Chicago city councilman blush,” the flyer states. “But when it comes to scandal and corruption, even Doyle takes a backseat to New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson.”

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