Pundit likes Clinton/Richardson in 2008

Democratic pundit and CNN commentator Paul Begala likes Hillary Clinton as the Democratic Party’s 2008 presidential nominee, and Bill Richardson as the vice presidential nominee, according to the Harvard Political Review.

Begala, a Bill Clinton apologist, said during an interview with the review that the former president “made us more the party of middle-class values and aspirations, very much made us the party of the poor and lifting people up into the middle class.” He spoke of Bill Clinton as a smart man who “never talked down to me.”

Many say similar things about Richardson.

“I think too many Democrats today have learned none of those lessons,” Begala said. “They seem more concerned with elites, they seem to look down on working-class people, and particularly seem to be either disengaged or outright contemptuous of the broadly shared religious and social values in this country.”

Regardless of whether you’re a fan of our governor, it’s just another sign that he may be headed for higher office.

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