Now the governor has a MySpace site

Bill Richardson has done a lot in his life.

He’s been an ambassador, a United States secretary of energy, a professional baseball player, a governor, an author, and a blogger. There are only two things he needs to do to complete his résumé: run for president, and get his own MySpace site.

The second is already done.

That’s right. The New Mexico governor is on MySpace. Click here to view his page.

It’s not a site Richardson created himself. It was made by whoever is behind the site America for Richardson (it might be his secret 2008 presidential squad, for all I know), a site that is attempting to grow an Internet grassroots network to aid Richardson’s potential 2008 presidential run.

As far as MySpace sites go, Richardson’s is fairly simple. But you can learn a few tidbits that conjure up some interesting images. Richardson likes swimming. His body type is listed as “More to love!” He’s a fan of modern art and Toby Keith.

Richardson currently has 34 friends on MySpace, which is a pretty small number as far as MySpace sites go. His friends include “D-Lust,” a 25-year-old man from Albuquerque whose quote is “Neal Patrick Harris would not do that!” and Tarazosaurus, whose profile lists her as a 14-year-old female but who, judging from the profile picture of a man groping her gluteus, is not 14 at all.

Other Richardson friends include “Johnny Upchuck,” who is holding a beer in his profile photo, and the MySpace site for Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth.”

I’d expect this site to grow quickly. It’s not uncommon for MySpace celebrities to have hundreds or thousands of friends.

So all Richardson has left to do is run for president. Then he will have done it all.

Except the professional baseball thing.

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