Mexico’s ambassador can play politics, too

Mexico’s ambassador to the United States was in Las Cruces Monday to show House Republicans he can play the political game as well as anybody.

Ambassador Carlos de Icaza spoke about immigration issues at New Mexico State University, and spoke later in the day in El Paso. They were two of several stops he plans in cities across the nation.

House Republicans, seeking to stall meaningful immigration reform until after the November election, have been conducting hearings on immigration across the nation this summer. They conducted such a hearing earlier this month in Las Cruces.

De Icaza said he wanted to inform people about Mexico’s stance on the immigration debate, but hinted at another purpose, according to an article in the Las Cruces Sun-News.

“The reason I’ve been doing the big emphasis on this is because there are others who have been doing a big emphasis on security,” the Sun-News quoted him as saying.

So what did he say about immigration?

Nothing that surprising. Mexico respects the sovereignty of the United States to secure its borders. But, “if you don’t have a comprehensive view, and it’s only one-sided, there can be unintended effects,” according to the Sun-News.

He asked for cooperation in solving the problem.

Unlike the House hearing, Monday’s meeting was attended by a host of local politicos that included legislators, city councilors and county commissioners. Only a couple of them attended the House hearing.

Attendance was probably so great in part because an NMSU official called to personally invite them to Monday’s meeting.

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