Richardson should get involved in Korea situation

For anyone who wasn’t paying attention, North Korea tested seven missiles earlier this week, one a long-range ballistic missile that could reach the Western United States. That missile failed, but it was apparently aimed at the waters near Hawaii.

Had it not failed, the United States would have tried to shoot it down.

The North apparently has at least one more missile it could soon test. This is a nation with nukes.

Japan wants the United Nations to threaten sanctions. President Bush talked today about diplomacy and the involvement of the United Nations. All of the sudden, our go-it-alone president is talking about cooperation and consensus.

He has no choice. We’re stretched too thin in Iraq and Afghanistan. Iran continues to be a major problem. The Israelis and Palestinians are going at it.

And North Korea is launching missiles in Hawaii’s direction.

Frankly, I don’t trust the president’s ability (in fact, I believe he has a distinct lack of ability) for diplomacy.

It may be time to call in Bill Richardson.

Let’s face it: Kim Jong II likes New Mexico’s governor. The North Korean leader came to Santa Fe a couple of years ago to talk, and it calmed a tense situation. He then invited Richardson to visit North Korea, and another calm ensued.

Richardson says the North is acting out because, unlike rogue Iran, it’s being ignored. Iran is being offered aid in exchange for the halting of its nuclear program. Richardson says the North needs some attention, too.

Unlike Bush, Richardson is a gifted diplomat. It’s time he gets involved. I happen to like Hawaii.

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