Richardson has good shot at Democratic presidential nomination, sports gamblers say

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson has a pretty good shot at being the Democrat’s nominee for president in 2008, if you believe sports gamblers.

According to the site, Hillary Clinton is most likely to be the Democrat’s nominee, but Richardson isn’t far behind.

The odds Clinton will get the nomination are 1.72 to 1, according to the site. Richardson and former Virginia Gov. Mark Warner are tied for second place, each with 5-to-1 odds of getting the nod. Former vice presidential nominee John Edwards is in fourth, with 6-to-1 odds.

On the Republican side, Arizona Sen. John McCain leads the pack, with 3-to-1 odds of snagging the party’s nomination.

The odds are 2.2 to 1 that Clinton will be the next president, the site says. Richardson comes in tied for sixth with Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, with 15-to-1 odds. McCain, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Virginia Sen. George Allen and Edwards all rank above Richardson on that bet.

For what it’s worth.

Thanks to Steve Terrell for reminding me to keep an eye on the sports betters.

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