Garza cautions against rushing to judgment, hints that politics might be behind allegations

Doña Ana County Magistrate Judge Carlos Garza asked late Monday that people not rush to judge him following Friday’s request for his immediate suspension, and hinted that politics might be behind the allegations against him.

But, Garza said, he can’t comment on specifics or detail the allegations against him. The filing by the Judicial Standards Commission requesting his immediate, temporary suspension has been sealed by the New Mexico Supreme Court, so details aren’t known. The high court has not yet acted on the petition.

Garza said he’s become accustomed to the scrutiny of “having to explain every little thing” and said the truth would come out in time.

“The whole deal is part of me being a judge and a public official, and I’m not enjoying that part a lot,” he said. “… It’s an election year, and it’s coincidental that something like this happens every time it’s an election year.”

Garza is running unopposed this year.

Garza also made reference to recent comments by former District Judge Larry Ramirez, who resigned after a request for his immediate, temporary suspension while the commission investigated allegations of sexual harassment and making inappropriate comments in court. Ramirez complained that the due-process rights granted to accused criminals were not granted to accused judges.

Garza said he is innocent until proven guilty.

“For the most part we have a system of justice that works out well, and in the end, the system comes out as it should,” Garza said. “There are procedures that have to take place for anything. You can’t jump to conclusions on anything. We all have rights.”

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