County acknowledges firing elections supervisor

Doña Ana County confirmed today that it fired former Elections Supervisor Mari Langford.

“She was terminated on Monday, July 3,” County spokesman Jess Williams said today in an e-mail.

Langford was placed on leave two weeks ago “pending the outcome of a personnel matter” the county said would be resolved within two weeks. At the time, her county issued cellular telephone and e-mail address were cancelled, indicating that she was probably being fired.

But the county gives up to two weeks for appeal following a notice of termination.

For now, Chief Deputy Clerk Cecilia Madrid is in charge of the elections bureau.

The county clerk’s office has been under fire since the primary election earlier this month. Though there were fewer problems than in past elections, there were still issues with polling places and workers, prompting commissioners to issue harsh criticism of the clerk’s office and form a task force to study the election and make recommended changes for future elections.

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