Some Senate Dems want to oust majority leader

First there was news of a challenge to Speaker of the House Ben Lujan’s grasp on his leadership position. Now some Senate Democrats are ready to take on Majority Floor Leader Michael Sanchez.

Sen. Phil Griego of San Jose has sent a letter to at least some of his Democratic colleagues complaining about the leadership of Sanchez. Though he apparently didn’t directly call for Sanchez’s ouster, sources tell me that’s exactly what’s going on.

It’s too early to tell whether there are enough votes to remove Sanchez. One source told me only about one-fourth of Senate Democrats would support his ouster; another source told me the number is about half.

Doña Ana County residents might remember Sanchez as a legislator who, in 2005, spread what prosecutors called untruths about a bill that toughened the penalty for child abuse resulting in death. The bill came in response to the seven abuse deaths of children in the county in a 3 ½-year span.

Sanchez, a criminal defense attorney, was one of a few legislators who convinced many colleagues that parents could be prosecuted under the proposed change if their child died in an accident or was abused without their knowledge.

Sanchez’s mistruths almost killed the bill, until the attorney general’s office spoke up and said he was wrong. The bill later became law.

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