Numbers posted here are correct

The results that appear on the secretary of state’s Web site this morning are much lower than the totals I reported on this site. The county’s elections bureau stands by the numbers I posted, which were on the secretary of state’s Web site about 2 a.m. and do not include early, absentee and provisional ballots but do include all other precincts.

I can’t tell you why the secretary of state’s site shows fewer votes today than it did at 2 a.m., but when I called to ask, they were very wishy washy about whether their numbers are accurate, so I’m standing by what I have posted for now.

The state Web site also shows fewer votes across the state than it did at 2 a.m.

I’ll tell you more when I know it. The race between Jim Baca and Ray Powell for land commissioner still appears to be too close to call, and this snafu isn’t helping.

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