Blog posting format changing to bring you news faster

I want to tell you about a change in the format of Heath Haussamen on New Mexico Politics.

I started in March by posting news updates in a group once each day, and sending out one e-mail to subscribers with the day’s headlines.

As I continue to get out of the mindset of working for a newspaper that publishes once daily, I am realizing that a major benefit of the internet is that I can bring you news faster and more frequently.

I have gradually been transitioning into posting updates more frequently, so you can get the news more quickly.

Starting this week, I will no longer do a nighttime posting that includes several news items. Instead, I plan to post several times each day and provide news as soon as it is ready.

If you want to visit the site once each day, the news will still be available at the time you’re accustomed to reading it. The change will also allow those who want to check the site more frequently to get more immediate news updates.

Those of you who subscribe to my blog will now receive e-mail updates toward the end of each day and as breaking news happens.

If you’re interested in subscribing, you can sign up by entering your e-mail address in the subscription box in the column on the right side of this page.

Thanks for reading!

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