Politics isn’t a sport

Downtown T or C

Heath Haussamen / NMPolitics.net

An early September scene in downtown Truth or Consequences. NMPolitics.net recently took a deep look at T or C’s downtown economy.

Politics isn’t a sport. It’s serious business about how society governs itself — and how we, the people who make up that society, will come together to improve things.

Too many journalists cover politics as a contest between opposing sides. At NMPolitics.net we’re instead trying to tell deeper stories about how government impacts people and how we all can make New Mexico better. We need your financial support to keep doing it.

Our commitment to serious journalism is why we fight for government transparency, ethics and access. It’s why we devote time to exploring why people don’t vote — and what would encourage them to do it.

It’s why we invest in deep projects like our 2015 investigative report on a possible conflict of interest N.M. State Auditor Tim Keller had when he was a state senator, which won a national journalism award. And our 2016 feature about a multi-ethnic family that is working to make ends meet and get along in a complicated world, which also won a national award.

This year NMPolitics.net’s tiny newsroom — me and occasionally some freelancers — invested in bringing you a comprehensive investigation of Spaceport America and a deep look at the economy in downtown Truth or Consequences. In November we’ll publish an investigative report into the struggling behavioral health system in southern New Mexico, with a focus on how it can improve, in partnership with the Las Cruces Sun-News and KRWG Public Media.

We believe New Mexico can be better — and good journalism can help it get there. That takes a commitment to reporting on how government and other powerful systems impact people, on facilitating bridge-building discussions that grow understanding, and on treating politics as more important than a professional sporting event like the World Series.

That’s our commitment at NMPolitics.net. And we need you to help us keep doing it.

We rely on donations from people like you to fund our work. We believe you should have access to information regardless of your ability to pay — so rather than requiring a subscription to read our articles and commentaries, we ask that you give what you can afford.

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