‘Extremely fortunate to have Heath Haussamen’s NMPolitics.net’

COMMENTARY: Now more than ever finding reliable, balanced and comprehensive political news coverage can be a challenge. Those actively participating in the New Mexico political/governmental arena and those of us who seek to stay informed are extremely fortunate to have Heath Haussamen’s NMPolitics.net.

Connie Chapman

Courtesy photo

Connie Chapman

NMPolitics.net not only brings us the day’s headlines and any breaking news, but also in-depth, thought-provoking commentaries and award-winning investigative reporting. Heath maintains a nonpartisan, respectful platform that encourages conversation and diverse opinions.

NMPolitics.net is also unique in its structure. There are no subscription fees. It’s open to all, and there is no limit on the number of articles you can access per month.

Heath relies on donations and sponsorships. The amount given is determined by you, the reader.

I’m honored to be a monthly sponsor of this award-winning journalism news organization and ask you to join me by making a donation today or signing up to make automatic monthly contributions: nmpolitics.net/index/donate

Editor’s note: NMPolitics.net is sharing stories about why people support our work. Share yours by emailing Heath Haussamen at heath@haussamen.com.

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