Why I do this work

We’ve been working hard lately to shine light on budget cuts at New Mexico State University and arsenic in the water in Sunland Park. We’re fighting in court for greater transparency from the City of Las Cruces. We’re facilitating an ongoing debate about gun deaths in America. And we continue to keep an eye on state government.

Every one of those stories and issues is important. But there’s so much more to do.

Heath Haussamen

Heath Haussamen

I stay in journalism even though it’s financially difficult because I care about bettering our state. I grew up here. I’m raising my daughter here. I don’t accept that we’re near the bottom of all the important lists. If my daughter wants to leave New Mexico someday, that’s fine — but I don’t want her to feel like she has to leave because the jobs are elsewhere.

I’m tired of New Mexico outsourcing our kids. I believe good journalism will help us figure out how to do better.

NMPolitics.net needs your help to continue this important work. Will you make a one-time donation of $25, $50, $100 or another amount today? You can also sign up to make automatic, monthly contributions to help sustain our work.

NMPolitics.net recently won a first-place award in a national investigative reporting contest for shining light on a possible conflict of interest current N.M. State Auditor Tim Keller had when he was a state senator. The reporting brought attention to the Legislature’s structural flaws that encourage conflicts of interest. It’s that kind of journalism — reporting that looks at structural issues and helps us think more deeply than the usual political narratives and bickering — that I believe can help spark real change.

Thank you for valuing that type of journalism! With your continued support, I’ll keep doing it.

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