Gary King
One of the most useful tools my office has used to help serve the public has been our Attorney General’s Office website, nmag.gov. Parts of it are frequently being updated in order to make it easier for people to avail themselves of the many services provided by this office.
For example, the website allows charitable organizations in New Mexico to become familiar with the Attorney General’s Office new electronic registration system, while helping them comply with registration requirements.
Consumers will find a myriad of helpful publications and information about how our Consumer Protection Division collects and monitors information regarding business practices that may violate New Mexico or federal consumer protection laws. They can also learn how we can help them resolve consumer-business disputes.
Also, anyone can download our consumer information publications from the website free of charge. An informed consumer is a safer and more satisfied consumer, and our website is a valuable resource.
Available on the site are official attorney general opinions going all the way back to 1999. These answers to major questions of law are prepared in response to requests by legislators, state agencies, elected officials of the state, district attorneys, state boards and state commissioners. In these cases the benefit of a legal opinion by the state’s lawyer, an uninvolved third party, is invaluable and may save the taxpayers time in urgent situations, in addition to saving of expenses related to litigation.
For the latest news about the activities of the New Mexico Attorney General’s Office, just click on “Newsroom.” Visitors to the site can view every news release written about office activities such as prosecutions, public informational seminars, legal settlements on behalf of the state, and the many other efforts to protect New Mexico families.
One recent addition to the Attorney General’s Office website is a button that takes visitors to our new anti-meth Train the Trainer program. This program is an extension of my Methamphetamine Abuse & Prevention project that is designed to teach our anti-meth program to individuals throughout New Mexico who will then spread the message to their hometown communities all over the state. Click on the “meth” button and learn how you can help your community stop the use and spread of this deadly drug.
Website visitors can learn about the 14 different divisions that make up the AG’s Office. Specific divisions cover many areas of responsibility such as utility rate cases, prosecution of violent crimes, tracking cyber predators, educating young people on Internet safety, border violence, violence against women and many more topics.
From time to time we ask for public comment on important issues, and people can leave their thoughts on specific matters by going to the website and following easy directions on how to do so.
There are so many other informational parts of the website I could tell you about, but due to time and space limitations I can only get to some of the highlights. Please visit us soon though. Gather the family around your home computer and click through the pages. I think you will find something of interest for everyone.
And by the way, our website can be instantly translated into more than 30 languages with a couple of clicks of the mouse. Take the “cyber tour” of the Attorney General’s Office today.
King is New Mexico’s attorney general.