Sander Rue
“Particulars on government expenditures and taxation should be plain and available to all if the oversight by the people is to be effective.” – Thomas Jefferson
With that quote in mind, I introduced Senate Bill 195 in the 2010 Legislative session. This bill will create what we’re calling a “Sunshine Portal.” Lt. Gov. Diane Denish signed the bill into law on March 5.
The Sunshine Portal is a Web site that will provide every New Mexico citizen with important information on the state’s finances and overall fiscal health. More importantly, with the veil of concealment pulled away, it will provide citizens with information to effectively oversee the operation of state government.
Transparency in government is critical right now. Creating a transparent government helps to overcome the growing mistrust people have with government at all levels.
One way to reverse the skepticism many feel toward state government is to open the financial data and the decision-making process to citizens. Armed with real and accurate data, and given the time to consider it, citizens will be more confident and better able to work with elected officials and, if appropriate, challenge some of decisions being made with regard to government investment and spending.
Information that will be available
Much significant – and previously largely unavailable – information will be in a user-friendly format on the Sunshine Portal. Here is just a brief list of the information the public will be able to find:
• A directory of all political appointees working in state government by agency, showing each position’s title, salary and political appointee’s name.
• State agency contracts with a total value of more than $20,000, naming both the recipients and purposes of the contracts.
• State cash balances by account or fund.
• Monthly summaries of the state’s investment accounts managed by the State Investment Council.
• Annual operating budgets for each state agency with monthly expenditures by category.
• Appropriations for capital projects, identified by location, type and funding source.
• Links to an open meetings Web site on which each agency will post all scheduled open meetings.
• An annual summary of the state’s fiscal health, including the state budget, revenue projections and expenditures for the previous fiscal year.
The Sunshine Portal will also provide additional information that will assist the public in understanding state government operations and management of taxpayer dollars. For the first time, the public will have the opportunity to find out how every state agency is managing its budget and contributing to – or being detrimental to – the state’s fiscal health.
Sunshine Portal must be utilized
With the economy staggering, every dollar state government spends matters. The Sunshine Portal will also provide an opportunity to evaluate whether tax dollars are being spent efficiently and effectively.
The Sunshine Portal is a powerful tool. But like any tool it’s not a magic bullet – it must be utilized by the citizens to be truly effective.
As citizens, we must recommit ourselves to the true nature of democracy and make real Jefferson’s notion. We must equip ourselves with the information that allows us to effectively oversee the efficiency and effectiveness of government.
When fully operational beginning in July of 2011, the Sunshine Portal will provide the first step in this process.
Rue is a Republican state senator from Albuquerque.